Signs of Spring


Snowdrops on a rainy day

The hints of spring are getting stronger now. Snowdrops are in full flourish, Helleborus have been around a while and Daffodils are opening. The mornings are getting lighter and the birds are singing.

And the weeds are growing. Brave the weather and have a look at what is happening in your garden. You may even be able to pull a few weeds now.

Any plants like Hylotelephium (Sedum), where you left the seed head to help the wildlife, will still have some ladybirds nesting so be careful if you decide to cut back now.

Other jobs you can do is bare-root planting. Roses and hedging can come bare root which means they don’t come in a pot and they will need planting out very quickly. But this gives them a good start. Don’t forget to prune your existing roses.

 Now is a good time to plant trees too.

You can still mulch now, working around the plants and the newly emerging bulbs.

Pruning of apples and pears is best done now too. But don’t leave it too long.



One of the best things to do now is enjoy these early spring flowers that really do enhance our year.

Find a snowdrop walk, have a walk in the countryside and see if you can see primroses, look under hedges and in ditches.

You will see lots of buds growing and maybe some hazel catkins.

We are having some lovely sunny days, so wrap up and see what you can find.




A Week in the life of a Garden Designer


Looking out for Wildlife